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Thank you for watching the February 13, 2025 Regular Council Meeting.
Unfortunately, we were having audio issues with our system, resulting in loss of or limited sound, for portions of the meeting. The first 6.5 mins (approximately) are without sound...
Thank you for watching the February 13, 2025 Regular Council Meeting.
Unfortunately, we were having audio issues with our system, resulting in loss of or limited sound, for portions of the meeting. The first 6.5 mins (approximately) are without sound. Items during this time included: Call to Order (5:00pm), Mayor Remarks acknowledging the passing of Mike Mooser, Former Councillor and West Lorne Public Utilities Commission, Adoption of the Agenda, Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests (none disclosed), and Delegations (Susan Ross, Excessive Dust Petition). Items will be posted on our website and included in the February 13, 2025 Minutes.
We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience, and will be looking into this, prior to the next scheduled meeting.
Item 2 - Mayor’s Remarks
Prior to starting the meeting, I would like to take a moment and offer sincere condolences, to the family of Michael Moser, on behalf of West Elgin Council.
Mr. Moser was a former member of Council, from 1998 amalgamation up until 2006, and a member of the West Lorne Public Utilities Commission.
Former Councillor Moser was a valuable contributor to Council and the community and will be missed by many.